Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journal 8

Part 1:
I think Zora Neale Hurston chose her title to emphasize power struggles within the novel. The reader gets the immediate impression that God plays a big role in the novel, and throughout it she plays around with who has more power: a specific character or God? Meanwhile she actively places biblical allusions here and there. I don't think she settled. Settling implies she had a bunch and this was just the best she could get, like a man settling on a woman that isn't the best for him but he can't get better anymore. She didn't settle, she chose this, it fits the way she intends, and she worked it proudly.

Part 2:
An alternate title, like A Bee To A Blossum, it would shift the reader's attention towards the question: "who is the bee and who is the blossum?" Which would, of course, be Tea Cake and Janie. All attention would go towards their relationship and Tea Cake's characterization.

Part 3:
"The Last Draw"
I chose this title because it emphasizes the cigarette as a symbol, but also the end where he quits. It's a short piece, and this describes one of the biggest items that ties the piece together and reoccurs. Nah mean?

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